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Sunday, 08 July 2007 23:47

Peace Mom May Run For Office

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slide32Anti War activist and Mom for peace Cindy Sheehan issued a statement saying  she plans to run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unless Pelosi introduces articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush in the next two weeks. Sheehan told The Associated Press yesterday that she will run in 2008 against the Pelosi, a democrat from the San Francisco area.
Sheehan states she plans to run as an Independent if Pelosi does not seek to impeach Bush by July 23. Sheehan and many of her supporters will be arriving in Washington, DC,  on July 23rd after a 13-day caravan and walking tour to Washington DC that begins near President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch. Sheehan announced in May that she was leaving the anti-war movement and selling her five-acre Crawford lot located near the Bush Ranch. Sheehan was disillusioned with the current Democratic leadership after what she felt were smear tactics and hatred from the both the political right and the political left.
Read 2390 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:05