Olive Oil Harvest Impacted By Last Season’s Weather

Gas Prices Should Continue Fall
Gasoline prices in California are due to fall -- significantly -- as long as yesterday’s refinery fire in the East Bay doesn't interfere. Gas prices, after bottoming out in early November, rose about 20 cents before stabilizing last week, a trend that baffled motorists and experts alike. Any sign of a drop would be welcome news for Californians, who paid an average of $2.62 a gallon Monday for self-serve regular, up 6 cents from a month ago, according to AAA. Sacramento's average was $2.59, up a dime from last month. Locally, the gas prices continue to flacuate. Last week the Kwik Serve in Jackson dropped their price on regular unleaded to 2.49 a gallon- and then ran out of gas. Don’t expect the prices to remain the same for long though. By late February, refiners in California will start their annual change-over to summer-blend gasoline formulas. Summer gas is harder to make, causing an almost inevitable increase in prices.
The Sacramento Bee Contributed to this story.
Hands-Free Driving Law To Take Effect
On July 1, California joins five other states and the District of Columbia in requiring adult drivers to go hands-free while talking on the phone. The bill’s sponsor, Senator Joe Simitian of Palo Alto, said he’s sure the new law will save lives. “You don’t have to stop talking on your cell phone, but use a headset or use a speaker system, and you will be fine,” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said when he signed the bill into law in September 2006. “We have so many folks driving on curvy roads around Amador County, and at night. On Highway 88 and in the snow. If you’re distracted talking it just makes things worse,” says one concerned Amador resident.
One survey found up to 73 percent of Americans at least occasionally use cell phones while driving. A 2003 study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis estimated that there were nearly 2,600 deaths and 12,000 serious-to-critical injuries a year in crashes involving drivers using cell phones. Violators of the new law will be fined $20 for the first offense and $50 for subsequent offenses. But there is also a growing body of evidence suggesting that requiring adult drivers to use hands-free devices with their cell phones will do little to reduce crashes. Supporting research shows that being a distracted driver is not necessarily about having both hands on the wheel, it’s more about focusing attention on the road. “There’s a common misperception that hands-free phones are safer when the research clearly suggests that they they’re both equally risky,” said Arthur Goodwin, a researcher at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center.
Is There Enough Snowpack?
The Sierra snowpack has shrunk to normal levels
after a series of big winter storms in January and early February were followed
by a relative dry spell. While storms have tapered off in recent weeks, the state Department of Water Resources
says the amount of snow remaining should be enough to fill the reservoirs that
feed the state's water system. The snowpack was less than half its normal
depth at the same time last year. That sparse winter snowfall left Northern
California reservoirs depleted to between 40 percent and 60 percent of their
The additional
snow this winter will not be enough to significantly increase water shipments
to farmers and cities. The snowpack measurements taken Wednesday showed
a decline from just a month ago. It's not likely to increase through the rest
of spring, said Rudy Cruz, a National Weather Service specialist in Reno, Nevada.
He said no significant storms are on the horizon. While the region may see
light rain or snow in the next few weeks, most of the heavy weather is passing
to the north. The state will provide about 35 percent of the water requested,
the result of a federal court ruling last year. The judge in that case said more water must remain in the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to save fish. Pumping through the delta, the heart
of California's water-delivery system, has been cut by more than half to
protect the tiny delta smelt fish.
Stockton Official Tried in Amador County Case
Amador County prosecutors
are taking the reigns in a rare criminal case that involves both a Stockton
City Council Candidate and a Stockton employee. The Stockton Record reports
that the people vs. Leonardi,
an Amador County case, involves a death, a seriously injured council candidate,
and Dino Leonardi, the community and cultural services superintendent
with Stockton Parks and Recreation. Leonardi is charged with misdemeanor
vehicular manslaughter for his alleged role in a fatal 2007 accident on Highway
88 near Jackson, killing a man named Alston. He publicly disputes the charges
against him. Leonardi allegedly caused a fatal two-vehicle accident by passing
and in turn cutting off another vehicle, resulting in that vehicle’s driver
losing control.
Leonardi disputes the charge. Besides a city supervisor's involvement, what gives the
case a public profile are the other occupants of the car in which Alston died:
Mark and Jennet Stebbins. Mark Stebbins, a Stockton councilman in the
1980s, recently declared candidacy for the District 6 council seat. Jennet
Stebbins is challenging Davis Assemblywoman Lois Wolk for the Democratic
nomination for the 5th Senate District seat. After the accident, Leonardi
reportedly drove on. Leonardi said he was unaware of the accident. He dialed
911, remaining until interviewed and allowed to go. Leonardi, whose license is
suspended, has continued at his job, overseeing special events, the Children's
Museum and Pixie Woods. He carpools to work. "My attorney has advised me not to comment on
anything as regards to the accident," said Leonardi. He added, correctly:
"You're innocent until proven guilty."
Local Student Honored by Governor

ACUSD Not Only District Wrangling With Teacher Pay Issues

Federal Judge and Prop83 Terms

Federal Judge Delays New California Air Rules

Governor’s Budget Proposal: How This Affects Amador County?